The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Jura Formation

Computer Code: JUR Preferred Map Code: notEntered
Status Code: Pending Upgrade
Age range: Marine Isotope Stage 2 (QMIS002) — Marine Isotope Stage 1 (QMIS001)
Lithological Description: Very soft-firm silty clays with scattered gravel and pebbles.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Overlain only by modern sediment.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Overlies either rockhead or Barra Formation.
Thickness: 32 metres. May be up to 300 metres in east, thins to west away from Scottish mainland.
Geographical Limits: Not defined.
Parent Unit: Eilean Siar Glacigenic Group (EISR)
Previous Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
none recorded or not applicable
Davies, H C, Dobson, M R, and Whittington, R J. 1984. A revised seismic stratigraphy for the Quaternary deposits on the inner continental shelf west of Scotland between 55° 30’ N and 57° 30’ N. Boreas, Vol. 13, 49-66. 
Stoker, M S, Balson, P S, Long, D, and Tappin, D R. 2011. An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quaternary deposits on the United Kingdom continental shelf. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/11/03. 48pp. 
Fyfe, J A, Long, D and Evans, D, 1993. United Kingdom offshore regional report: the geology of the Malin - Hebrides sea area (London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey). 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
none recorded or not applicable