Publication record details

Title The Flyde, Lancashire : summary of the Quaternary geology : British Geological Survey report OR/16/013
Ref no OR/16/013
Author Cripps, C.; Burke, H.F.; Lee, J.R.; Hough, E.
Year of publication 2016
Abstract This report summarises the regional superficial (otherwise known as Quaternary) geology of the Fylde region, western Lancashire, with an emphasis on understanding the geological units in terms of potential fluid transport through the differing units. The study utilised existing geological maps and borehole records to construct a series of cross-sections traversing the area depicting the superficial deposits as a geological fence diagram. _x000D_ Quaternary-age glacigenic deposits dominate the majority of geological units in the shallow subsurface. The glacigenic units comprise the following: 1) tills, which are composed of gravels in a dominantly clay-rich matrix; 2) glaciofluvial deposits, composed of gravels and sands; and 3) lesser amounts of glaciolacustrine deposits consisting of laminated clays and silts. The tills and glaciofluvial deposits are generally intercalated with one another, and are of variable thickness and lateral extent. The base of the sequence broadly comprises a basal till overlain by a glaciofluvial unit and in-turn, an upper till. However, there are major local variations to this succession with localised inclusions of sand, gravel, silt and clay. The units show a high lateral and vertical variability across short distances making it difficult to extrapolate lithologies to areas where boreholes are absent. _x000D_ Along the coastal zone and within the tidal estuaries of the River Wyre and the River Ribble, coastal zone deposits occupy a thin surface layer. These Holocene-age deposits mainly comprise clays, silts and sands with some gravel. _x000D_ Peat occurs throughout the region, but particularly along the '˜Skippool Channel', east of the River Wyre south of Preesall, and in the subsurface from South Shore Blackpool, to Lytham St Anne's and inland to Marton Moss. _x000D_ The Kirkham moraine forms a broad and subtle topographic high in relief from Blackpool, eastward through Kirkham to Preston._x000D_ Lastly, a bedrock high has been found around Rawcliffe Moss, West of Churchtown in the north eastern edge of the model area. There may be other undiscovered zones of thin or absent superficial cover that may provide direct connectivity from the surface to the underlying bedrock.
Series Open Reports
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