Publication record details

Title Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA08, UK Geoenergy Observatory, Glasgow : British Geological Survey report OR/20/028
Ref no OR/20/028
Author Barron, H.F.; Starcher, V.; Walker-Verkuil, K.; Shorter, K.M.; Monaghan, A.A.
Year of publication 2020
Abstract This report and accompanying data release describe the 'as-built' borehole GGA08 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow. They also describe initial hydrogeological testing completed after borehole construction and provide an initial geological interpretation._x000D_ Mine water characterisation and monitoring borehole GGA08 at the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow is screened across the Glasgow Main mine working and overlying sandstone roof. The mine working is interpreted as a roadway with a void, mine waste and wood encountered. Initial hydrogeological indications from the test pumping suggest borehole GGA08 is very high yielding. Borehole GGA08 has ERT and DTS cables installed between the borehole casing and the surrounding rock, and a hydrogeological data logger installed within the borehole.
Series Open Reports
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