Publication record details

Title Model metadata report for the Midland Valley of Scotland Regional Model 2012/13 : British Geological Survey report OR/13/032
Ref no OR/13/032
Author Monaghan, A.A.
Year of publication 2013
Abstract This report describes the revision of the Midland Valley of Scotland regional model in 2012/13 to integrate and unify models at a variety of higher resolutions that have been completed and approved between 2008 and 2012. The revised model contains a subset of only the largest faults and 4 key surfaces. It extends a significant way offshore in the east (Firth of Forth and Forth Approaches) and some way offshore in the west (Firth of Clyde). Geologi's judgement has been used in decision making for model integration. Model uncertainty is extremely variable, particularly at depth.
Series Open Report Series
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