Publication record details

Title Post-calculation checks of GSI3D models V2 : British Geological Survey report OR/18/010
Ref no OR/18/010
Author Terrington, R.L.; Thorpe, S.
Year of publication 2018
Abstract This report describes methods for identifying, checking and remediating issues in GSI3D models post calculation using cross-sections and exported surface and thickness grids. These checks are to ensure that the outputted geometry of geological units bear a true resemblance to the lateral and depth extents of those units correlated in GSI3D. The cross-section checks and issues include: Missing envelopes or cross-section correlations geometries; Lack of correlation nodes on cross-section lines; Wrongly attributed correlation lines in cross-section; Lack of constraint at envelope boundaries; The surface and thickness grid checks and issue include: Bulls-eyes from anomalous correlation points; Holes in the top and base calculated surface; Surface crossovers; Unnatural artefacts in modelled surfaces from cross-sections;
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Keyworth
Series Open Report Series
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