Publication record details

Title Environmental factors influencing pipe failures : British Geological Survey report OR/17/009
Ref no OR/17/009
Author Tye, A.M.; Kirkwood, C.; Dearden, R.; Rawlins, B.G.; Lark, R.M.; Lawley, R.L.; Entwisle, D.; Mee, K.
Year of publication 2017
Abstract This report details work carried out under NERC grants NE/M008339/1 and NE/NO13026/1 which were collaborations between the British Geological Survey and Yorkshire Water, with an additional knowledge transfer component involving Scottish Water and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. The work examines whether models developed using environmental, topographical and geohazard information could complement existing management tools, and increase the understanding as to how pipe networks of different materials interact with their broader environment. This can be seen as a first step in identifying ways in which greater resilience could be built into pipe networks.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Keyworth, Nottingham
Series Open Report Series
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