Publication record details

Title User guide for the Infiltration SuDS Map : summary : British Geological Survey report OR/16/010
Ref no OR/16/010
Author Dearden, R.
Year of publication 2016
Abstract This report presents a description of the Infiltration SuDS Map: Summary developed by the British Geological Survey (BGS). The map provides screening-level data that gives an indication of the suitability of the subsurface for infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). The map does not provide any specific information about the properties of the ground; such data is included in the Infiltration SuDS Map: Detailed (Dearden, 2016). The summary map is designed to be used by those involved in the strategic assessment of the subsurface for the installation of infiltration SuDS. It may be particularly valuable for spatial planners and local authorities who wish to undertake a strategic assessment. More information about pricing and licensing the Infiltration SuDS Map is provided at The map comprises of four GIS (geographical information system) layers, focusing on significant constraints, potential for drainage, potential for instability and protection of groundwater quality. The layers are derived from a combination of 15 BGS national datasets and show the overall opportunities for the installation of infiltration SuDS. The method has been critically assessed by Dr. V. Banks and Dr. D. Aldiss who specialise in hydrogeology and in geologically derived products at the BGS. The purpose of this user guide is to enable those licensing this dataset to have a better appreciation of how the dataset has been created and therefore a better understanding of its potential applications and limitations.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Keyworth, Nottingham
Series Open Report Series
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