Publication record details

Title Mapping seabed sediments of the Fulmar rMCZ : British Geological Survey report OR/15/015
Ref no OR/15/015
Author Lark, R.M.
Year of publication 2015
Abstract This report is on work undertaken for the JNCC under an Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement dated 20 February 2014 between The Scottish Ministers, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and JNCC Support co. (JNCC). Under the terms of this Addendum JNCC requested that BGS carry out geostatistical analysis of sediment sample data from CEND 8/12 survey of Fulmar rMCZ in order to produce maps of sediment distribution in the site. A geostatistical analysis of the data is reported leading to the selection of a linear model of corregionalization for the composition of the sediment, based on the additive log-ratio transformation of data on mud, sand and gravel content. This model is then used for spatial prediction on a 250-m grid. At each grid node a prediction distribution is obtained, conditional on neighbouring data and the selected model. By sampling from this distribution, and back-transforming onto the original compositional simplex of the data, we obtain a conditional expectation for the proportions of sand, gravel and mud at each location, a 95% confidence interval for the value at each node, and the probability that each of the four sediment texture classes that underlie the EUNIS habitat classification is found at the node.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Report Series
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