Publication record details

Title The London Basin superficial and bedrock LithoFrame 50 Model : British Geological Survey report OR/14/029
Ref no OR/14/029
Author Burke, H.; Mathers, S.J.; Williamson, J.P.; Thorpe, S.; Ford, J.; Terrington, R.L.
Year of publication 2014
Abstract This report describes the methodology and datasets used in the construction of the 1:50 000 resolution superficial and bedrock geological model of the London Basin. The London Basin study area was divided into twelve 20 x 20 km tiles, with construction of the first tiles beginning in 2006 and completion of the combined model in 2014. This time period coincided with the ongoing development of GSI3D software which was used to construct much of the model. The GSI3D software was used to calculate a rockhead (base Quaternary and Anthropocene) surface that was then used as a capping surface for the modelling of the bedrock geology in the GOCAD® software. The model complements the corresponding DiGMapGB-50 tiles of the area and consists of about 80 modelled geological units, comprising mass movement (landslip), artificial, superficial, and bedrock. This report supersedes an earlier report detailing the construction of the superficial part of this model (Burke et al. 2013). A glossary of technical terms used is included at the end of this report.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Report Series
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