Publication record details

Title Reusable tools for smartphone apps : innovative activities in the European geological sector : British Geological Survey report OR/14/073
Ref no OR/14/073
Author Bell, Patrick; Shelley, Wayne; Smith, Robin S.; Tomas, Robert.
Year of publication 2014
Abstract This report presents the outcomes of a study to explore 'Reusable tools for smartphone apps: innovative activities in the European geological sector' launched by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) with the British Geological Survey (BGS, Contract n°389788). The study is part of A Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform (ARE3NA), Action 1.17 of the European Union's Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme. The general objective of the study was to assist the JRC in explor-ing the developments and behind-the-scene activities that the geology sector in Europe is undertaking in terms of mobile applications (commonly known as 'apps') and where geospatial data of relevance to the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC1) was being shared and reused. Mobile apps are increasingly being used across Europe to provide geoscience information and solutions. To understand the extent and approach of these developments, we undertook a survey of the geology sector. The results of this survey were designed to: ï‚· help national geological organisations and the wider geological community discover more about work being undertaken ï‚· help organisations not yet active in this area learn and benefit from those that have already taken some first steps, helping to explore the potential reusability of solutions ï‚· be of benefit to other sectors interested in sharing geospatial data through apps ï‚· understand whether INSPIRE is contributing to data access via mobile apps In order to accomplish this, we needed to discover which organisations were actively developing apps, what approaches they have taken, what tools they have used and how successful their initiatives have been. We also explore the types of users that are being reached by mobile apps and whether these tools have created new uses for geoscience spatial data, not only the delivery of data to 'traditional' organisa-tions involved in data exchange but also where data are being provided in less conventional ways to oth-er/new users, including citizens and those aiming to reuse the data being provided in other apps not only related to geology. Finally, we assessed how other organisations and communities can learn from the software, tools and methodologies that have been developed in the geosciences sector.
Publisher European Commission
Series Open Report Series
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