Publication record details

Title Digital Geological Map of Great Britain, information notes, 2011
Ref no OR/10/050
Author Smith, Alan.
Year of publication 2011
Abstract This report forms part of the output from the British Geological Survey's DiGMapGB (Digital Geological Map of Great Britain) project which is responsible for providing digital geological map data at a range of scales. It provides general information relevant to users of all scales of DiGMapGB data arranged into four main chapters. First, after an introduction, the DiGMapGB datasets are identified and the polygon and linear themes, and their availability, outlined. Secondly, technical details including the sources, data structure and the information fields attached to polygons and linear features are described together with guidance on data use. Thirdly, some geological background information is provided especially for non-geologists unfamiliar with map making and some of the basic principles of geology that relate to how the data are structured and can be used. Fourthly, copyright and licensing information together with explanations of how the datasets are identified and referred to, are provided. The main contacts in BGS are listed. This is followed by a brief glossary, references and list of web links. Finally, six appendices provide additional notes for different DiGMapGB and related offshore datasets.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Report Series
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