Publication record details

Title User's manual for BGS GISGroundwater : a numerical model to simulate groundwater levels for ArcGIS 10.0 : British Geological Survey report OR/12/063
Ref no OR/12/063
Author Wang, L.; Pachocka, M.; Jackson, C.R.
Year of publication 2014
Abstract This is a user manual of BGS GISGroundwater that produces the depth to groundwater beneath the land surface. BGS GISGroundwater uses standard GIS datasets as inputs and implements data preparation, numerical modelling, post-processing and the visualisation of the modelled results all within the GIS environment. It allows non-modellers, such as scientists and students, to easily and efficiently build up groundwater flow models in ArcMap using GIS layers. For example, only few hours are needed to construct a numerical regional groundwater flow model using it with great flexibility. Therefore it is useful for carrying out preliminary groundwater flow modelling or evaluating hydrogeological conceptual models, before carrying out detailed costly groundwater modelling using one of traditional groundwater flow models. This manual firstly introduces BGS GISGroundwater, and then explains its installation process and interface. The step-by-step tutorial materials are also provided to guide users to learn quickly how to use this tool.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Report Series
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