BGS mineralogy and petrology collection record

Sample number E40898; COLLNOGD269;
Sample Donor Godwin,C.G.
Rock name Metadolostone.
Stratigraphy Westphalian. Coal Measures Group.
Comments had specimens of kaolonite rock forming a thin band 15 cm from top of a seam referred to by the opencast executive as the Third Brown Metals. LV p.103. GD269
Locality details deepest cut on Oxbow Site, now open. SE33SE
50k map sheet Wakefield (78)

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Map reference SE 363 312
Year collected
Bore name Not applicable
Confidentiality No restrictions

Petrological thin sections

Links to high resolution images

Transition from XPL to PPL light


Cross Polarized, E40898

Plane Polarized, E40898

Plane Polarized, E40898