The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Sperus Formation

Computer Code: SPE Preferred Map Code: notEntered
Status Code: Pending Upgrade
Age range: Marine Isotope Stage 2 (QMIS002) — Marine Isotope Stage 2 (QMIS002)
Lithological Description: Soft to firm to very stiff, highly to moderately plastic, sandy, silty clay with shells and pebbles. Some clay and numerous sand/silt lenses may give a laminated appearance. Similar in geotechnical strength to underlying clay but more uniform colour/less streaky and has more pebbles and shells. Geotechnically weaker and more uniform than overlying till-like unit.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Lower boundary is a strong seismic reflector in otherwise parallel or sub parallel reflectors above and below in the Cape Shore Formation with which it is apparently conformable.
Definition of Upper Boundary: The upper boundary is also apparently conformable with the Tampen Formation.
Thickness: 40 metres from seismic sections. Thins to west where it crops out. Absent in the Norwegian Trench area where it has been eroded or never deposited.
Geographical Limits: Not defined.
Parent Unit: Reaper Glacigenic Group (REAP)
Previous Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
none recorded or not applicable
Stoker, M S, Balson, P S, Long, D, and Tappin, D R. 2011. An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quaternary deposits on the United Kingdom continental shelf. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/11/03. 48pp. 
Rise, L, Rokoengen, K, Skinner, A C, and Long, D. 1984. Nordlige Nordsjø. Kvartaergeologisk kart mellom 60°30’ og 62°N, og øst for 1°Ø (Northern North Sea. Quaternary geology map between 60°30’ and 62°N, and east of 1°E) M 1:500 000. Institutt for kontinentalsokkelundersøkelser (IKU), Norway. 
Johnson, H, Richards, P C, Long, D, and Graham, C C. 1993. United Kingdom offshore regional report: the geology of the northern North Sea. (London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey.) 
Cameron, T D J, and Holmes, R. 1999. The Continental Shelf. 125-139 in A revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles. Bowen, D Q (editor). Special Report of the Geological Society of London, No. 23. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
none recorded or not applicable