Publication record details

Title Footprint of mining sites along the Migori River using Earth observation : British Geological Survey report OR/21/004
Ref no OR/21/004
Author Novellino, A.; Fleming, C.
Year of publication 2020
Abstract This report describes the findings from the Earth Observation (EO) work undertaken along the Migori River (Kenya). The purpose of this work was to identify potential mining sites and assess any changes though time (e.g., distribution and/or size). We present a new dataset of mining extents derived by visual interpretation of high-resolution satellite images. A total of c.30GB of satellite data from Sentinel-2, Pleiades and SPOT-5 covering c. 26,000 km2 has been analysed for the years 2005-2020 (inclusive). A total of 67 mining sites concentrated over an area of 140 km2 have been mapped: 57 of which from satellite and 10 from a field survey. The results have been used to inform our work on the environmental impacts of mining and measures that can be taken to mitigate against these.
Series Open Reports
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