Publication record details

Title Out-of-cycle update of the US/UK world magnetic model for 2015-2020 : British Geological Survey report OR/19/028
Ref no OR/19/028
Author Chulliat, Arnaud; Brown, William; Alken, Patrick; Macmillan, Susan; Nair, Manoj; Beggan, Ciaran; Woods, Adam; Hamilton, Brian; Meyer, Brian; Redmon, Robert
Year of publication 2019
Abstract In early 2018, the World Magnetic Model 2015-2020 (WMM2015) was predicted to exceed its performance specification error tolerances by the end of 2018 or early 2019. Specifically, the grid variation root-mean-square error was about to exceed the 1 degree specification (MIL-PRF89500A) due to fast fluid flows in the Earth's outer core, especially in the North polar region. An out-of-cycle update of the WMM2015 was developed and released in early 2019 (WMM2015v2) to address this performance degradation. There was a pre-release in September 2018 and this technical note confirms the information provided in that pre-release. It also provides a description of the new model (section 1), how it was produced (section 2) and its uncertainties (section 3).
Series Open Reports
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