Mine and quarry

MineralsUK – Minerals

Piles of stone and machinery at the base of a quarry

There are over 2000 active mines and quarries in the UK, producing a wide range of commodities including construction aggregates, building stone, coal and industrial minerals. BGS continually monitors the location and nature of active onshore mineral workings in the UK and publishes these data in its Directory of Mines and Quarries (DMQ). We also research and maintain an overview of these key individual sectors of the UK minerals industry and their relationship with issues such as economic development, environment and heritage.

Bantycock gypsum quarry Newark. © Tony Cooper BGS / UKRI

Directory of Mines and Quarries

The Directory of Mines and Quarries (DMQ) contains information on operational mineral sites in the UK during the period 2019 to 2020.

A quarry dug into orange-coloured sand, with machinery and blue containers at the bottom of the quarry

Construction minerals

Construction minerals include a wide range of materials including brick clay, building stone, construction aggregate, sand and gravel, gypsum, lime and cement raw materials.

Fluorspar ore. Glebe mine, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire, UK. BGS © NERC

Industrial minerals

Industrial minerals are all those minerals, including construction materials, with an economic use typically excluding energy minerals, metals and gemstones.

Richard Mokwena holds up a piece of coal from the 4 seam which is being mined at ramp 51 at Anglo American Thermal Coal - Kriel Colliery. © Anglo American


BGS information and maps on UK coal resources.

Celestine, Sakoany, Mahajanga, Madagascar

Industrial Mineral Assessment Unit (IMAU) reports and maps

IMAU survey reports on British sand and gravel, and other industrial mineral resources.