Exploration and maps

MineralsUK – Exploration and maps

Tungsten - Hemerdon mine, Hemerdon, Devon - Tungsten West. © Clive Mitchell BGS / UKRI


For a country of its size, the UK is well-endowed with mineral resources and mining of non-ferrous metals was an important industry for centuries. In south-west England, the granite-related mineralisation was principally mined for tin and copper. Base metal deposits have been extensively worked in many areas of the UK including the Pennine Hills of central and northern England, central Wales and the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Over the past decade, exploration for critical minerals, including lithium, nickel and tungsten, along with other commodities, such as gold, tin and copper, has grown in the UK.


Effective planning for the sustainable development of the UK’s mineral resources requires a wide range of up-to-date and impartial information. Minerals Information Online is a web-based geographical information system (GIS) that provides online access to minerals-related data and information. It can also be used to identify areas where mineral extraction may conflict with other land use and conservation interests, and in the definition of Mineral Safeguarding Areas.

Further information about exploration and maps

Drillers silhouette. © PMcDonnell BGS / UKRI

History of exploration in the UK

Exploration for metalliferous minerals in Britain from the 1950s to the late 1990s was undertaken by a wide range of commercial companies and by BGS on behalf of the UK Government.

Cavanacaw pit 10. © PMcDonnell BGS / UKRI

Legacy exploration publications

Brochures and guides covering baryte, copper, gemstones, gold, lead and zinc, and nickel and platinum.

Exploration drilling Curraghinalt gold deposit. © PMcDonnell BGS / UKRI

Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) reports

The Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) provided geological, geochemical, geophysical, mineralogical and metallogenic information on prospective areas in Britain.

Drill site activities. © PMcDonnell BGS / UKRI


During the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP), BGS evaluated and applied a wide range of techniques to exploration for many deposit types in Britain.



Minerals Information Online provides online access to minerals-related data and information based on digitally generated mineral resources maps.

Bantycock pit-thumb

Digital licensing

Notes have been assembled to help users understand the digital map data, limitations, uses, content and background information on compilation.