Building stones

MineralsUK – Minerals

Different coloured sizes and shapes of building stones in a wall

BGS has provided building stone services since its inception in 1835. Today, the BGS Building Stones Team provides specialist information and advice on building stones, quarries and building conservation to clients in all parts of the UK. This section will give you more information about the team, the work we do, the services we provide and the resources we can draw on.

The BGS Building Stones Team is working to preserve the stone-built heritage of the UK for future generations.

Information icon

Secrets in the Stone : The work of the BGS Building Stones team.


Our stone heritage

Stone is one of our most important natural resources and, in most parts of the UK, the local stone has provided a source of high quality, versatile and durable building material for centuries.

kings manor_2012 (19)-thumb

Building stone services

The BGS Building Stones Team currently provides a range of services designed to help clients concerned with building, repairing and maintaining stone structures, from single buildings to entire towns.


Building Stones Database for Scotland

The Building Stones Database for Scotland (BSDS) aims to define and describe all of the building stones of Scotland and provide details of associated quarries, built sites and samples for each one.

A seventeenth-century manor house set in grounds of well-maintained topiary bushes and tre

Building Stones Database for England

Strategic stone study and the Building Stones Database for England Map Explorer.

Caithness stone yard. BGS © UKRI

Stone collections, data and testing

The BGS Building Stone Collection consists of hand samples and thin sections from tens of thousands of buildings and quarries throughout the UK.


Publications and downloads

A selection of publications and open reports produced by the BGS Building Stones Team.