About us

Close House Mine, Brough, Cumbria. Looking E. BGS © UKRI

MineralsUK is the minerals web portal of the British Geological Survey (BGS). It was launched in 1999 to provide information about mineral exploration, mining, production and trade. Over the last twenty five years it has expanded to include all BGS minerals-related research, spatial geodata, statistical information and publications.

The BGS is a global leader in the compilation, provision and analysis of mineral statistics and the major UK national provider of spatial and statistical minerals information. We carry out applied research on issues primarily related to the security of supply including provision of mineral resource management expertise; spatial and planning information for resources; critical and battery raw materials; building stones, construction materials and industrial minerals; maintaining and developing key minerals datasets; mineral systems research for exploration modelling; life cycle and material flow analysis for raw material supply chains.

The content of this website is updated to keep pace with changes in the minerals industry, legislation and availability of information. Our objective is to provide users with a portal into the wide-ranging minerals outputs of the BGS and a central focus for minerals information specifically related to the UK scene. Please contact us with your comments and suggestions to improve the website and keep it up to date.