
Neoproterozoic carbonate geochemistry data: Svalbard and Scotland

Dataset title Neoproterozoic carbonate geochemistry data: Svalbard and Scotland
Dataset creators Ian Fairchild, University of Birmingham
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

The stratigraphic scope of the data is 1) the Polarisbreen Group of NE Svalbard (late Tonian to Ediacaran) and 2) top Appin and lower Argyll Groups, western Scotland (late Tonian to Cryogenian). Geochemical data on carbonates includes, in different cases, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, strontium isotopes and trace elements.

Dataset content dates 2010-2014
Dataset spatial coverage NE Svalbard (78.5 °N and 17 °E) and western Scotland (National Grid squares NR and NM)
Dataset supply format Excel .xlsx
One file each for Svalbard and Scotland
Dataset language English-United Kingdom
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 5th January 2018
Dataset digital object identifier(DOI) 10.5285/41ac1fb3-0fec-46ab-a0ee-7798c1ed2a89
Dataset citation text Ian Fairchild (2017): Neoproterozoic carbonate geochemistry data: Svalbard and Scotland. British Geological Survey.
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council and the University of Birmingham [year]".
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