
Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 625k (DiGMapGB-625) Superficial version 4

Dataset title Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 625k (DiGMapGB-625) Superficial version 4
Dataset creators British Geological Survey
Dataset theme Geoscientific Information
Dataset abstract

Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with geological names and rock type descriptions. The scale of the data is 1:625 000 scale providing a simplified interpretation of the geology. Onshore coverage is provided for all of England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland.

Superficial deposits are the youngest geological deposits formed during the most recent period of geological time, the Quaternary, which extends back about 2.58 million years from the present. They lie on top of older deposits or rocks referred to as bedrock.

Superficial deposits were laid down by various natural processes such as action by ice, water, wind and weathering. As such, the deposits are denoted by their BGS lexicon name, which classifies them on the basis of mode of origin (lithogenesis) with names such as, 'glacial deposits', 'river terrace deposits' or 'blown sand'; or on the basis of their composition such as 'peat'.

Most of these superficial deposits are unconsolidated sediments such as gravel, sand, silt and clay. The digital data includes attribution to identify each deposit type (in varying levels of detail) as described in the BGS Rock Classification Scheme (volume 4).

The data are available in vector format (containing the geometry of each feature linked to a database record describing their attributes) as ESRI shapefiles and are delivered free of charge under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Dataset content dates before 2003
Dataset spatial coverage United Kingdom
Dataset supply format ESRI shapefiles
Dataset language English
Dataset discovery metadata record Discovery Link to the dataset's BGS Discovery Metadata record.
Also available as ISO19115/19139 XML.
Dataset publisher British Geological Survey
Dataset publication date 2003
Dataset digital object identifier (DOI) 10.5285/4124aa40-e77c-4856-b7bf-95daa34cd6f5
Dataset citation text Digital Geological Map Data of Great Britain - 625k (DiGMapGB-625) Superficial version 4 British Geological Survey 2003
Constraints and terms of use This data set is available under Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying any reproduced materials: "Contains data supplied by permission of the Natural Environment Research Council © NERC [2014]".
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Further information DiGMapGB-625