Publication record details

Title The solid geology of the Clyde sheet (55 degrees N/6 degrees W)
Ref no CF78/09
Author McLean, A.C.; Deegan, C.E.
Year of publication 1978
Abstract Contents: A synthesis of the solid geology of the Firth of Clyde region. Bouguer anomaly map of the Upper Firth of Clyde and Bute (in MACLEAN, AND DEEGAN, CE (Ed):. The solid geology of the Clyde Sheet (55N-06W), 114p) Rep Inst Geol Sci (London) Sparker interpretation (of the Firth of clyde) (in MACLEAN, AND DEEGAN, CE (Ed):. The solid. geology of the Clyde Sheet (55N-06W), 114p) Rep Inst Geol Sci (London). Bouguer anomaly map of the Firth of Clyd (in MACLEAN, AND DEEGAN, CE (Ed):. The solid geology of the Clyde Sheet (55N-06W), 114p) Rep Inst Geol Sci (London) Gravity and magnetic studies of the lower Firth of Clyde Geological synthesis (of the Firth of Clyde) (in MACLEAN, AND DEEGAN, CE (Ed):. The solid. geology of the Clyde Sheet (55N-06W), 114p) Rep Inst Geol Sci (London) Geophysical studies south and west of Kintyre Boreholes and outcrop sampling in sheet 55 degrees N/6 degrees W. Interpretation of the shallow seismic data on sheet 55 degrees N/6 degrees W, with. comments on the IGS seaborne magnetic results. Seismic refraction studies in the Firth of Clyde Gravity and magnetic surveys of the upper Firth of Clyde and Bute. The solid geology of the Clyde Sheet (55N-06W).
Publisher HMSO
Place of publication London
Series Report Institute of Geological Sciences
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