Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 45, part 4
Ref no RD45_4
Year of publication 1947
Abstract Contents: Synthetic mica and Empire mica producers. Sheet mica in south Westland, New Zealand. Mineral production of Tanganyika (1947). Mineral production of Palestine (1947). The geology and mineral resources of Kenya. Rapid development of Kenya's kyanite industry. Biogeochemical prospecting for copper and zinc. Colonial mining law: radio-active minerals. The pegmatites of central Nigeria. Potash deposits in Saskatchewan. New mining legislation for Jamaica. Coal resources of New Zealand. The geology and mineral deposits of Uganda. Diamond industry revival in South Africa. The geology and mineral resources of Tanganyika Territory. Rich deposit of bitumen in Alberta. The Migori Gold Belt, south Kavirondo, Kenya. The mineral production of Sierra Leone (1947). The mineral production of Northern Rhodesia Geological survey of Nigeria (1947). The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Bill Colonial mining law. Geological work in Tanganyika. The geology and mineral resources of British Guiana.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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