Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 44, part 1
Ref no RD44_1
Year of publication 1946
Abstract Contents: Geological work in Tanganyika (1946). Production of minerals and metals in Cyprus (1946). Australian sillimanite, kyanite, etc. Tantalum ores of Western Australia. War-time development of Scottish mica deposits. Mineral production of British Guiana (1946). The Black Rock manganese deposit in the south-eastern Kalahari. Recent developments in the British petroleum drilling campaign. Geology of the Kingston district of Jamaica. Progress in geological investigations and mineral developments in the Gold Coast. Mineral production of Uganda (1946). Mineral production of Sierra Leone (1946). Mineral production and exports, Nigeria (1946). Mineral production of Southern Rhodesia (1946). The relationship of the Geological Survey to the mining industry of Malaya. Titanium and vanadium in the magnetic iron ores of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Large magnetic deposits in Tanganyika. Radio-active minerals restrictions in the Gold Coast. The geology of the Namwele-Mkomolo Coalfield, Ufipa District: with notes on underground exploration carried out by the Tanganyika Government.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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