Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 43, part 4
Ref no RD43_4
Year of publication 1945
Abstract Contents: Federated Malay States, Geological Survey. The opencast working of ironstone and coal in Britain. Mica, beryl and columbite-tantalite in Rajputana. Geological Survey of Nigeria. Report of the Committee on Deep Level Mining in South Africa. Blue asbestos in Western Australia. The search for oil in South Australia. The search for oil in British Guiana Trends in exploration of mineral deposits. Lead in South Africa. Geophysical survey work in Ontario. Nigeria-geology and mineral resources Recent analyses and tests of a Kenya diatomite. Copper reserves of Newfoundland Sierra Leone produces world's largest alluvial diamond. Geological work in Nigeria, 1943. Mineral discoveries in Uganda. A note on some large diamonds recently recovered from the gravels of the Woyie River, Sierra Leone. Geological work in Tanganyika (1944). Corundum and mica production in Nyasaland. Coal, bauxite and cement in Nyasaland. The mining geology of the Iramba-Sekenke Goldfield, Tanganyika Territory. Cinnabar in Queensland.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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