Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 39, part 2
Ref no RD39_2
Year of publication 1941
Abstract Contents: Economic minerals in the Philippines. Iron ore deposits of Venezuela. Mining in Kenya. The mineral resources of the Domira Bay District, Nyasaland. South African mineral production (January-June, 1940 and 1941). Gorceixite in Southern Rhodesia. Topaz as a refractory raw material. Determination of the hardness of mineral and other substances by micro-indentation. Government assistance to the Empire mining industry. The magnesium industry in the United States Geology and mineral deposits of the upper Waini River, north-west district, British Guiana. Minerals in the Mashaba district, Southern Rhodesia. Metals of the Empire. The iron ores and iron industry of western China. Crocidolite in the Cape Province. Mica in Tanganyika. Tungsten mining in Nigeria. Mineral resources of the North-West Frontier province of India. The mineral resources of Burma.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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