Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 38, part 4
Ref no RD38_4
Year of publication 1940
Abstract Contents: India's mineral resources and the war. The mineral resources of the Gwanda District, Southern Rhodesia. The mineral resources of the Russian Arctic hinterland. Ore reserves, estimated life and development costs of some Australasian gold mines. Tantalum minerals in Uganda. Geological features of the Mawchi tin-tungsten mine, Burma. Mercury in British Columbia. Canada's mineral resources in relation to the war effort. Lead in South Africa. Mercury in South Africa. Manganese in South Africa. Correlating strata by insoluble residues. Gold in the Yukon. Diatomite in Brazil. Diamonds in Tanganyika. Haematite discoveries in Newfoundland Labrador. The mineral resources of North Borneo. Coral as a building material in British Honduras. Brucite in Canada Ore reserves (definitions). The stratigraphy and structure of Turner Valley, Alberta. The Polish oil industry. The mineral resources of Malaya (with mineral production statistics, 1934-1938) New Zealand mineral production (1939-1940) Mexican oil industry after expropriation. Turner Valley oilfield developments (Canada). German, Italian and Japanese talc deposits. Bentonite.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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