Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 24, part 1
Ref no RD24_1
Year of publication 1926
Abstract Contents: Bauxite from Nyasaland Recent changes in the mining laws of the Empire. The mineral industry of Trinidad (1925). Mineral production in British Guiana (1925). The mineral belts of north-west Quebec Canada's mineral output for first half of 1926. The mineral industry of India (up to 1925) Garnet and its uses Beryl in Canada Cement materials from Nyasaland. The mineral industry of the Union of South Africa (up to 1925). The petroleum position in the United States. The Australian mineral industry (up to 1925). The platinum position, with special reference to the Transvaal Manganese ore in South Africa Canada's mineral industry (up to 1925). Canadian graphite Canadian magnesite Recent mineral discoveries and developments in the Gold Coast colony.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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