Publication record details

Title Geology of the country around Lancaster: memoir for 1:50000 geological sheet 59 (England & Wales)
Ref no DF059
Author Brandon. A.; Aitkenhead. N.; Crofts. R.G.; Ellison. R.A.; Evans. D.J.; Riley. N.J.; Hughes. R.A.; Wilson. A.A.; Howard. A.S.; Johnson. E.W.; Fletcher. T.P.; Owens. B.McNestry. A.; Turner. N.; Legrand-Blain. M.; Busby. J.P.; Cornwell. J.D.; Smith. I.F.; Ireland. R.J.; Robins. N.S.; Lewis. M.A.; Jones. N.S.; Hallsworth. C.R.; Fortey. N.J.; Strong. G.E.; British Geological Survey.
Year of publication 1998
Publisher The Stationery Office [for British Geological Survey]
Place of publication London
Series Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales (Sheet - New Series)
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