The Survey from an early date issued a published catalogue of its maps, memoirs, sections and other publications. They were published at irregular intervals though over some time periods they were annual publications. Quote from the Charles Close Society. Ordnance Survey catalogues: 'The Geological Survey soon followed the example of the Ordnance Survey, and issued their first catalogue in 1863. From the start the same catalogue covered publications in all parts of the United Kingdom. These seem to have been updated relatively frequently until 1884, after which they formed what is apparently the sixth section of a larger publication. This arrangement ended in 1901, when Geological Survey sales were transferred to the Ordnance Survey. The Ordnance Survey became responsible for issuing supplements to the Geological Survey catalogue, something they continued to do until about 1990, but publication by the Geological Survey of the catalogues themselves continued until 1937. Publications relevant to geology in Ireland were removed in 1925. It appears that there were no more full catalogues until the start of the modern sequence in 1986, though new publications were notified in a Government document – List No.45, which made frequent appearances from 1950 to at least 1996.'