Publication record details

Title A guide to mineral safeguarding in England
Ref no OR/07/035
Author McEvoy, F.M.; Cowley, J.; Hobden, K.; Bee, E.; Hannis, S.
Year of publication 2007
Abstract A key aspect of sustainable development is the conservation and safeguarding of non-renewable resources, such as minerals, for future generations. The UK is endowed with a wide range of indigenous minerals but these natural resources are finite. With increased pressure on land-use in the UK, there is a need to ensure that these natural resources are not needlessly sterilised by other development, leaving insufficient supplies for future generations. Safeguarding will also help ensure that the planning system retains the flexibility to identify sites which have the least impact on the environment. Safeguarding is the term that encompasses the process necessary to ensure that outcome. Minerals Policy Statement 1: Planning and minerals, published in November 2006, aims to prevent unnecessary sterilisation of mineral resources by providing national policy for mineral safeguarding. The 'Guide to mineral safeguarding' is designed to complement this policy which introduces an obligation on all Mineral Planning Authorities to define Mineral Safeguarding Areas. Defining Mineral Safeguarding Areas carries no presumption that the resource will be worked. The guide provides guidance on how current mineral safeguarding policy can be complied with and puts forward a relatively simple step-by-step methodology for delineating Mineral Safeguarding Areas, together with examples of policies through which they would have effect. When linked to appropriate local planning policies, Mineral Safeguarding Areas should ensure that mineral resources are adequately and effectively considered in making landuse planning decisions. The guide is intended for use principally by those involved in the preparation of mineral development plan documents and in deciding planning applications. It will also be of interest to Regional Planning Bodies in the preparation of Regional Spatial Strategies. Developers working in areas where the presence of a mineral resource may need to be considered may also find this guide useful.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Reports
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