Publication record details

Title The 1:625k near-surface bedrock electrical conductivity map of the UK
Ref no OR/12/037
Author Beamish, David.
Year of publication 2012
Abstract Over the past decade, a number of high-resolution airborne geophysical surveys have been conducted across onshore UK (Peart et al., 2003; Beamish & Young, 2009). These High Resolution Airborne Resource and Environmental (HiRES) surveys have typically acquired radiometric (gamma-ray spectroscopy), magnetic and electromagnetic (conductivity) measurements at 200 m line spacings and at low altitude (< 60 m). The airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data was typically acquired at four frequencies and the highest frequency provides information on the bulk electrical conductivities of near-surface formations. Due to their systematic coverage, the airborne conductivity data provide almost continuous information across each survey area with a typical along flight line sampling of less than 15 m.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Reports
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