Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute No. 11
Ref no RD11
Year of publication 1913
Abstract Contents: The occurrence, distribution, and uses of mercury. The coals of Canada. Mineral survey of Mozambique. Oil possibilities in South Australia. Mineral production of British Columbia (1912). Mineral production of Quebec (1911). Mineral production of the Union of South Africa (1912). Mineral production of Western Australia (1911). Crude petroleum from Nova Scotia. Mineral survey of southern Nigeria. Petrol from Tasmania. Mineral output of Queensland (1911). Crude petroleum from Morocco. Mineral production of Ontario (1912) Mineral output of New South Wales (1911) Minerals from the Federated Malay States Iron ore from Ceylon. Argentiferous lead ore from southern Nigeria. The salt industry of Turks and Caicos Islands. Geology in Egypt.
Publisher Imperial Institute
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
View publication None available.