Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 36, part 4
Ref no RD36_4
Year of publication 1938
Abstract Contents: Search for oil in Australia (1938). The Canadian gold mining industry in 1937. British Guiana bauxite deposits. Empire supplies of kyanite. Tanganyika : mining activity in 1937. Oil from coal by the Fischer-Tropsch process. Discovery of strontianite in Newfoundland. United States asbestos supplies. The ironsands of New Zealand. Olivine and forsterite refractories. Zirconium. The radium deposits at Great Bear Lake. Canadian nickel. Helium and its more important uses. South Australian rutile. The ironsands of New Zealand. The copper industry of the USSR. The Outokumpu copper mine and smelter, Finland.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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