The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Woodlands Member

Computer Code: WDMB Preferred Map Code: WM
Status Code: Full
Age range: Comley Series (EC) — Comley Series (EC)
Lithological Description: Grey to maroon, medium-grained glauconitic and micaceous sandstones. Faint cross-bedding but commonly appear massive and thick-bedded. Rare mudstone drapes.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Sharp, probably disconformable, contact on hardground surface developed on Home Farm Member limestone. Detritus from latter locally incorporated into basal bed.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Sharp contact with basal mudstone of Stockingford Shale Group. Some intermixing between sandstone and mudstone along contact. Upper c.1m of is bioturbated and locally calcareous.
Thickness: 19m in type section. 9-19m between Hartshill and Woodlands Quarries.
Geographical Limits: From Nuneaton town centre, extending northwest for 5.2km to Worthington Farm, Mancetter (SP3192 9572)(SP3529 9197-3192 9572).
Parent Unit: Hartshill Sandstone Formation (CQ)
Previous Name(s): Woodlands Member (WDMB)
Woodlands Member (WDMB)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Southern end of Woodlands Quarry, 140m north-north-west of Hartshill Green. 
Brasier, M D, Hewitt, R A, and Brasier, C J. 1978. On the late Precambrian - Early Cambrian Hartshill Formation of Warwickshire. Geological Magazine, Vol. 115/1, 21-36. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: